My Florida Forest

About us

We are a collaboration between the Florida Forest Service, Florida Forestry Association, the University of Florida, Southern Forestry Consultants and filmmakers from Untamed Science, with the goal to help keep Florida’s forests working for you.

Conservation Easements

What is a Conservation Easement?

A conservation easement in Florida is a voluntary legal agreement that allows landowners to preserve the natural resources on their property by restricting development and harmful activities while retaining ownership...
Why Birds and Other Animals Love Your Working Forest

Working Forests

The Audubon Society supports working forests because they recognize that these forests provide both economic and environmental benefits, particularly for bird habitats...
What Should I think about in Succession Planning?

Succession Planning

In this video, we dive into the critical topic of succession planning in Florida with expert Tammy Cushing, discussing the essential steps to ensure a smooth transition of assets and leadership within a family...
A Chat about Heirs Property and Clouded Titles

Heirs Property

In Florida, heirs property is extremely common. This is property that is passed down to family members through inheritance without a will or court document...
Unique Challenges in Female Forest Landownership

Women’s Forest Ownership

Women owners practice forestry at a much lower rate that men. Sometimes their husband dies or they inherit it and they have to deal with the issues that arise...
To Burn or Not to Burn

Should I Burn My Forest?

Deciding whether or not to burn your forest depends on your management goals. Most forests in Florida do benefit from regular burning but it’s hard to know how to do it if you’re new...
An Alternative Forest Income for Your Forest

Yaupon Holly

Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria), a native plant to Florida, offers Florida landowners an alternative income stream by harvesting its leaves to produce a naturally caffeinated tea...
The Florida Future Forests Program

Will the State Pay Me to Plant My Forest?

The Florida Future Forests Program is an initiative designed to promote the reforestation and sustainable management of forests in Florida. It aims to enhance the state’s forest resources, which provide critical environmental, economic, and social benefits...
The Basics of FL Forest Taxes

Forest Tax Basics

Do you need help with taxes? Watch Tammy, University of Florida forestry tax expert and make the forest work for you.
These People Can Help You Run a Forest

Who Can Help Me with My Forest?

If you’re new to owning a forest, that’s great. There are a lot of ways to make the forest work for your needs. We have a bunch of resources and things to think about here if you’re a first time forest owner...
From the Expert

Bugs on trees?

Do you want to protect your trees, but don’t know how? We interviewed entomologists at UF and FDACS about the Southern pine beetle prevention program...